Deployments in MOSS

Components Deployment in MOSS::

What are the various types of components that can be developed and deployed in a MOSS environment?

Infrastructure :: Infrastructure components are developed by software developers using typical development Tools.

•Site Definition & Templates
•Web Parts
•User Controls
•List Definitions
•Master Pages & Page Layouts
•Custom Assemblies
•Custom Actions
•Modules with Custom Pages
•Content Types & Fields

Content : Content is developed by Knowledge Workers using Brower or Office Apps

•List Items
•Any other Resources
•Pages (Postings)

MOSS deployment standards::

Baseline/define the deployment process
–Package all the components as Solutions (including Features)
–Package the assets using MSI (delivered beyond SharePoint Sites)
•Define a workflow for the deployment process
–Communication process between vendor and client.
–Steps to be followed during deployment
•Each build must be packaged to contain
–Executable to install respective components.
–Executable to uninstall respective components.
–Logging feature required to track deployment process
–Release notes contains versioning, feature being released etc
–(Note – Manual steps should be kept at a minimum)
